I recently had the lovely job of creating an illustration for SHOP Magazine's Spring/Summer Gothenburg issue. My brief was to create an image that celebrated natural, scandinavian beauty. Having visited Southern Sweden a couple of times, it was a joy to depict the beautiful Swedish landscape of pine forests and fresh lakes. This image is also available as a print from my shop.
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Decorated with quatrefoils, flowers and classical legendary Monogram Canvas pattern, Gucci replica bags has affirmed itself over the past decades as a world leading brand name in the fashion industry. But above that, Louis Vuitton is to women one of those mythical names, a name with magical connotation, representing dream designer handbags. If a Louis Vuitton handbag is a sign of taste and fashion, it is also a symbol of social status and recognition.Replica louis vuitton handbags are not the first line of products manufactured by Vuitton when he opened his luggage store in France during the middle 1800s. In fact, it wasn’t until the middle of the 20th century that his company entered the fashion world, integrating its signature Monogram Canvas into purses and bags.
Its merger to create Gucci replica became a milestone step, and from then on, LV came to acquire its luxury fashion image known today.As one of the famous luxury fashion and leather goods brands, it has its classical legendary Monogram Canvas pattern. Its graphic symbols, including quatrefoils and flowers (as well as the LV monogram), were based on the trend of using Japanese and Oriental designs in the late Victorian era.Internationally renowned and highly regarded for it’s name recognition in the fashion world, as a result LV brand is so commonly counterfeited. More and more noncelebrities want to own them. Compared to other high-end brands, LV items make up almost 20 percent of all imitation purses and accessories that are manufactured around the world each year.If you are shopping for affordable louis vuitton replica handbags, then you’ve come to the right place. In ExactHandbag, all replica handbags are virtually indistinguishable from the authentic ones.
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