Tuesday 13 December 2011

RIP Zdenek Miler

Last night when I was sitting beside the fire with my parents reading the papers my mum suddenly handed me a copy of the Times and said "Look! Your mole man has died!". After being momentarily mystified I realised that she meant Znedek Miler, the Czech creator of The Little Mole cartoons had died aged 90. You can read all about his life and work in his obituary here. My friend Alice Maddicott first introduced me to The Mole and the green star a few years ago and I have been smitten with these delightful Czech children's animations ever since. They are gentle and playful films and little mole is a charming and slightly silly character. The beautifully hand painted back drops reflect their creators deep love of the natural world. Watch him do battle with a grumpy gardener in this one.
Thank you Mr Miler.

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